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Why choose "Jomiru I.N." LTD services?
The polyethylene film is produced in Republic of Moldova by "Jomiru I.N." LTD Co, located in Chisinau.
The producer guarantees the quality of the foamed PE for heat insulation of walls, floors, ceilings, roofs, water pipes and air ducts of sT=1150 gr. С., in compliance with the applicable norms in Moldova, the physical and technical characteristics are compliant with the requirements of GOST 16381-77 and it is allowed for use in Moldova Republic. That's why is prefered this film produced by this company.
We Guarantee High Quality
- Wide range of sizes/materials
- Custom
- Best customer service in the industry
- Made in Moldova
- Keep It Green
If you need more information about our products, just need to visit all our web pages.
For more details about Jomiru Services, you can visit our office from Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, at 4/6 Feredeului street. Also, you can contact us by Phone at +373 (22) 54-54-48 or send an Online Quote Request Form for Free Price Quote!